
 Hand made wind chimes that stimulate DNA.

When you speak to one another, you speak in energy vibrational tones. It isn't the message - it is the medium that is important. A sound quality either harmoniously vibrates in our bodies or minds, or it does not. You may listen to a conversation between two strangers and hearing it irritates you. But you could have the same conversation with your friend, using the same words, and feel resonating sound waves that creates pleasure in your body.    In the future, words and ideas will not carry as much weight as energy vibrations and signatures. You will learn to hear beyond words. You will feel "sound" with your inner ears. The inner ear has no specific location like the ears on your head. It runs throughout your body, and different areas of your body are sensitive to various vibrations. Just as in music, there are many levels and streams of vibrations, running like a river throughout the universe. Each stream creates access to a new universe.    In order to hear individual vibrations, you must quiet your mind, open up, and allow the signatures to come through. The allowing process does not use will; it requires intent and trust. It requires you to exercise the use of the inner ear and become attuned to the inner hearing process. Some energy vibrational signatures you will "hear", as spoken word. Other vibrations are revealed as a sudden knowing of information, involving a kinesthetic element, and require translation/interpretation if you wish to put it into spoken word. Other vibrations clearly communicate in the frequency of inner vision, so you see images. When you allow yourself to let go into an energy signature, you are able to experience it in whatever range it communicates.    Depending upon your beliefs about the universe, others and yourselves, you are able to tune into different frequencies. When the vibration is in line with your beliefs, you react to it in some manner. If a frequency is not in line with what you believe, you pass over it.    Energy vibrations are the voice of the Creator. Every reality is based upon the intent and word of God. The breath of the Creator flows as an eternal source of energy vibration, and its patterns are creative, and conscious. Even the lines, dots, colours, shapes, movement and timings of a spider are based on vibrational meaning. These are symbols, and can be heard. If you listen to the manifestation of a spider, and tune into its energy vibrational signature, you can hear its purpose, meaning and voice within all that is. You may not hear with words. You hear with your inner ear. You hear with inner knowing. This is how a spider, rock, bird or grain of sand talks to you.    Resonating to energy vibrational signatures creates miracles YOU are not only a receiver of energy vibrational signatures. You are also a transmitter. You also have an inner mouth that speaks in vibrational tones. By listening to the vibrational energy signatures around us, and synching yourself to them when you choose, you go beyond words, beyond meaning, to the heart of life itself. You begin to communicate on a level of energy transformation and you may consciously choose your reaction and influence to all that is. You begin to exercise your power of divinity.    When you are sensitive to the message of multi-layers of energy vibrational signatures you act as a creator, not a reactor. Harmonizing your own inner energy vibrations to that of others create sine waves of love. Love is the perfect sine wave. It finds common elements or vibrations between two different melodies. when you send the love vibration to another melody, you recognize its divinity, its individuation, and its uniqueness. You may bask in the glory of its uniqueness and it recognizes this. It rings back with love. Love is the only energy signature that truly involves communication. You are here to learn to vibrate with all other energy signatures, animate or inanimate and return to bliss. You learn to harmonize with the very essence of God - vibration.    The DNA tells a certain level of truth that has fascinated humankind. The subject is newsworthy and noteworthy. It is of interest to scientists as well as spiritual teachers and lightworkers. It is a major key that has been overlooked and is now being looked into. Many channels have brought through information that the manipulation perpetrated on Earth had to do with certain beings messing with human DNA. Scientists have researched that old information is recorded in the DNA. That huge bundles of DNA hold massive levels of information within each cell. It is as if each cell carries a huge on-going library. A lot of what we are seeing is that we are uncovering the cobwebs that have covered the DNA. We are un-doing or un-learning what we have learned and done to the potential of humankind. We are great beings of light that have been living in shrouds of dimmer light. scientists are saying that our DNA is essentially identical. They are saying that All DNA are tuned to the same frequency. They are saying that our DNA is de-spiraling very fast and that that is causing the aging process and the drop in health. They are saying that our environment, the air we breathe, the food we eat, the soil it grows in, the water - are all toxic.    Scientists are saying that All DNA have exactly the same genetic sequence code. That the strands are the same lengths and that the strands are tuned to the same frequency. Some scientists have even brought attention to the fact that the DNA sings a song! That there is a sound produced by everything, EVERYTHING - from solar system to sun to planet to the DNA. That the DNA is singing a song. It is singing An Oldie But Goodie, you might say, a Blast From the Past, you might say, that is starting to get through to us. Stored in its memory banks is a Song of Freedom. On top of that was added songs that lost the quality and frequency of the higher notes and dropped down the scale.
