The Golden Spiral and The Merkaba

The Spiral and the Holographic Matrix

1. What is the Holographic Matrix?
2. Quantum Fluidity and the Warping and Wrapping of the Holographic Fabric
3. Magnetic 3-D Memory and the Human Holographic Fabric
4. Unwrapping the Holographic Fabric by Numbing the Magnetic 3-D Memory
5. Triune Principals of Reality (Going Beyond Sacred Geometry)
6. Reclaiming our Heritage

1) What is the Holographic Matrix?

A technical definition of a hologram can be the following: A hologram has the maximum symmetry of all fractal planes or geometric faces within the system to which it belongs. In simple terms, this means that an entire replica of an object or idea is completely represented inside the smallest aspect of itself. This is true with holographic film. An image is embedded onto holographic film and through the use of lasers, the image can be projected in its 3D form. Let's say that you took a pair of scissors and cut a tiny piece of film and moved it across the room so it was away from the original. Using the same laser, you could still project the complete 3D image that was embedded on the original film!

So if we take a cell, an atom, or a molecule, we would have all the necessary requirements in that tiny object to see the entire holographic matrix to which it belonged. Theoretically, a single planet could be created from one molecule. Size then, does not matter. A piece of the infinite will theoretically recreate the infinite from which it originated. A good question to ponder is: "Can you take a piece of infinite away from itself?"

Imagine for a moment that a sacred geometrical template of reality represents the holographic matrix and instead of a laser, the tool of projection becomes focused consciousness itself. This would give the Creator the perfect "art supplies" to create an entire 3D reality!

In sacred geometry we find holographic characteristics within the angular and circular patterns. If we were to examine a unit of the entire universal holographic reality, we would be inviting our imagination to embrace an infinite quantity of geometric dimensional planes that exist within and around every unit of the entire created universe.

Inviting our mind to embrace a piece of the infinite would be inviting our mind to embrace the whole infinite, because the infinite is holographic. If our mind began to embrace the infinite, theoretically it would not be able to stop because the infinite would begin to swallow the one embracing it. A kind of "seed within seeds' or in this case "universes within universes" exists within all things in creation. These dimensional planes have been illustrated in smaller scale by using sacred geometry. In sacred geometry, these planes have been illustrated as being separated by binary as well as phi ratio divisions or "fractal stratas" neatly packed, embedded or overlaid around each other. These geometrical fractal stratas extend outward (as well as inward) in every direction.

This holographic matrix is exemplified in the samples of the platonic solids of sacred geometry. These geometric shapes are holographic and have fractals within them such as the tetrahedron within a tetrahedron, cube within a cube, star tetrahedron within a star tetrahedron, octahedron within an octahedron, icosahedron within an icosahedron, dodecahedron within a dodecahedron, and more.

2) Quantum Fluidity and the Warping and Wrapping of the Holographic Fabric

Astronomy has defined for us that a large planetary body such as a sun will warp the time-space fabric or continuum around it. Stretch a blanket between 4 people and place a bowling ball in the center. You will find that the blanket droops where the ball rests in the center. The indentation is in the shape of an inverted cone.

A black hole warps the space-time fabric to the degree that it will bend light and distort time. An example of this is like taking a stretched blanket and wrapping the middle portion of the blanket in a spiraling cone. A black hole has an anomaly at its core that creates the whirlpool effect called a "quantum singularity". This quantum singularity becomes so powerfully attractive that all particles are effected by the gravitational pull towards the core of the black hole. The circular edge of the fabric where it first indents is where you just begin to be pulled into the gravitational spin. It is called the "event horizon".

If a single sphere is a hologram of the entire reality, then any sphere is a matrix with infinite potential. It has the ability to produce a gravitational field. If we were to create a local singularity, we may only need a single sphere that spins rather than an entire black hole.

Why is this so? A spinning sphere will spin faster and faster, wrapping the fabric of reality tighter and tighter like the analogy of the blanket, above. It will spin faster and wrap tighter until it creates a quantum singularity - an interdimensional doorway that is created when one reality cannot sustain such highly compressed energy. When the energy can't "fit" into this 3D reality any longer, it turns from matter into energy. The energy compresses and concentrates itself into a fluidlike state and transcends from a reality based on form to a reality based on fluid formlessness. This is how matter transcends into spirit.

Since a sphere has infinite holographic geometric patterns inherent within it, it would also have quite a number of holographic planes or octaves to it as well. So then instead of placing a sphere upon a just a single outstretched blanket, we could simulate the additional planes and octaves associated with the sphere by placing several outstretched blankets underneath each other separated by a few inches.

When we place our sphere upon the top blanket, it would bend the blanket and touch several other blankets below it as well. This is an analogy to show that what happens in one reality plane affects other realities as well. When we experience spiritual revelation or an intense moment of pure universal love, we experience this kind of transcendence on many levels of our being. We are not just one-dimensional. What happens on one level of self affects the whole of our being.

Geometric forms by themselves are fixed and stagnant without the inherent properties of the golden spiral that compel all geometric forms to implode or transcend. As we have seen in the article entitled "The Golden Mean Spiral and the Merkaba", the golden spiral is an inherent component within both angular and spherical geometry. It is the force that creates the vortical field in all geometric forms. Without that vortical field, there can be no implosion and transcendence. Through the golden spiral, all geometry transcends form and moves into quantum fluidity.

Imagine a drop of water returning to an ocean. This is an example of instant fluid integration. This quantum ocean is the very essence of the entire holographic matrix of which we are a part. When we learn to become fluid in our consciousness, we have the ability to tap into this vast ocean and literally become one with the universal holographic fabric. The sages and masters of Earth's history could achieve this and that is why they were able to bring back such amazing teachings about oneness and the true essence of all life.

3) Magnetic 3-D Memory and the Human Holographic Fabric

Generally speaking, we have two forms of memory available to us. They are Holographic Memory and Magnetic Memory.

Holographic memory can be accessed predominantly in an altered or expanded state of consciousness or open heartedness. The brain waves must be lowered to alpha, theta or delta. When we are really clear and we tap into the quantum fluidity, we have access to the holographic memory within ourselves and within creation itself. Time and space are no longer limitations. Memory isn't accessed in a linear fashion, but in an experiential one.

Magnetic memory is accessed predominantly in a typical 3D linear fashion, in which the beta brain wave state is dominant. This type of memory is very limited and is affected by subjective perception. A good analogy is to imagine an accordion. When it is in its compressed state, the bellows are folded. If a picture were painted on the compressed edges of the accordion bellows, it may seem complete in its compressed state, but it would give you limited information. As soon as the accordion was expanded, the picture would make no sense. When the accordion is expanded, a greater view of reality would unfold. This is exactly how we relate to reality with our conscious minds. We think we see and know everything there is to know, but we are really only viewing the painted picture on the side of a compressed accordion. When expanded, we discover how limited our perceptions really are.

Since we are spirit beings in the material, metaphorically we have two fabrics woven within us. Neatly packed within us is the holographic fabric of creation of which all humans and all things are intimately a part. We also have a denser 3D material fabric as well, and this one often distracts us from the more expanded holographic state.

Theoretically it is possible that as long as there is a relatively strong magnetic field surrounding us (like on a planet in 3D reality), our mind will utilize a magnetic form of memory storage. This local magnetic field seems to keep the accordion bellows compressed so we can only view a limited perspective of reality. When the local magnetic field weakens (such as during interstellar travel), the holographic memory fabric can begin to unfurl so we can see the bigger picture of reality and not be limited by a 3D perspective. At that point, it is possible to view two overlapping realities. One reality is our common 3D, while the other is a less common holographic reality that may seem very spiritual in nature to us.

To maintain a body in 3D reality, one needs to have an identity, which serves as an anchor that keeps us here. The ego requires a lot of energy to maintain itself in 3D reality. The ego (which metaphorically can be compared to a black hole in 3D) maintains a 3D perspective by a warping and wrapping the geometric holographic fabric within us, just like in the earlier analogy of the blanket and the sphere. The ego is like a quantum singularity - a spiral of identity so strong that it can wrap and fold the holographic fabric tight enough to create a densification of energy that allows the individual to remain anchored in 3D.

As an analogy, we are very much like a black hole when we are in 3D consciousness. We feel needy and cut off from the infinite holographic reality. We search for completion outside of ourselves by craving energy from others. We are more like a white hole that radiates energy when we are in an expanded state such as in meditation or in profound moments of love.

The golden spiral is one of the key elements that can help unwrap the holographic fabric of our spirit selves and unlock us from the egocentric 3D perspective of reality. The more we become holographic and experience the quantum fluidity within us, the more we expand into the infinite nature of all Creation.

4) Unwrapping the Holographic Fabric by Numbing the Magnetic 3D Memory

In September 1999, my wife (Lyssa Royal Holt) was giving a workshop in California. One workshop participant told us a story about a dream encounter he had with several extraterrestrials. In the dream, he felt as if he was an ambassador reporting to a council of off-worlders. When he began his report, the extraterrestrials inserted a needle into his forehead. Shortly afterwards he could not remember anything else.

As I was listening to him, my inner voices were explaining that the injection temporarily disabled or numbed the quantum singularity that anchors the ego to the 3D reality. When the quantum singularity of the ego was disabled, he experienced a complete unwrapping of the holographic fabric that is usually tucked tightly within the human consciousness. Magnetic memory evaporated, and so therefore a linear memory of the experience could not be accessed by the ego.

This also happens in a limited fashion while taking peyote, mushrooms, and other substances. I do not condone the use of such substances because they can create dependencies and bad habits. The person often never learns to generate these expanded states of awareness independently from the substances. For this reason it would be much better to use the golden spiral instead.

Other methods that can unfurl the holographic fabric and move one beyond the 3D reality include the Native American Sun Dance, vision quests, sweat lodges, and meditation practices. In some martial art practices, it can be done by using certain breathing techniques and placing oneself in a difficult stance or posture that must be held for a given period of time. While experiencing the mind/body discomfort, it gives the person and opportunity to step beyond the belief in limitation.

In the dream experience discussed above, the ETs acted in a way that caused the human to move beyond his limited view of reality. In the limited and tightly wrapped state of ego, one experiences thoughts and emotions based upon a compressed and fragmented view of reality. In this fragmented view of reality, one would view oneself as separate, especially from anything "alien" to his familiar reality paradigm. Feelings of separation cause fear, and fear is often tucked into the folds of the compressed holographic matrix. When in fear, the person does not feel or perceive any connection to other beings. Contrary to this is what happens when we expand our perspective and our feelings to encompass the entire holographic reality. When we expand in this way, we unfold the compressed bellows of the accordion (so to speak) and we feel our integration with each other.

This meeting of aliens and humans could only be fruitful when both parties are experiencing a full and integrated comprehension of the entire holographic conscious universe. This creates a common ground and a shared paradigm. When all parties integrate with each other and the conscious universe, a unity of spirit and mind can act in benevolent concert with the interests of the whole. True communication begins when all parties are universally and holistically integrated. No single act could occur that does not benefit the whole, because when beings have such broad vision, their choices are consciously beneficial ones. Only in 3D do we perceive that this isn't true. In 3D or polarity consciousness, it appears that there is "good" and bad" or "right" and "wrong." However it is important to realize that our 3D vision is merely a compressed and limited view of the entire limitless fabric of creation.

5) The Triune Principle of Reality: Going Beyond Sacred Geometry

Let us examine the three principles of reality that form the trinity of creation.

A) The First Principle: The Geometric Holographic Matrix as the Masculine Expression
As seen in section 1, the Geometric Holographic Matrix represents the masculine aspect of geometry that forms the templates and building blocks for creation on a physical level of reality. Based on the idea of a hologram, even the smallest portion of this matrix provides the code for the entire reality itself. This geometry is the trellis upon which physical reality and consciousness can use to grow and evolve itself. Just like when a plant grows upon a trellis, the geometry guides reality and consciousness through the process of evolution.

B) The Second Principle: Liquid Light and the Formless Feminine
As we have seen in section 2 entitled Quantum Fluidity and the Warping and Wrapping of the Holographic Fabric, quantum fluidity occurs when portions of the holographic fabric are wrapped, folded, and funneled into the point of singularity, which then causes an implosion. After the implosion, the holographic fabric experiences quantum reorganization and becomes a homogenous superfluid. This superfluid is comprised of an infinite spectrum of frequencies that resemble liquid light or a fluidic unified field.

C) The Third Principle: Pure Principle
In a static field, all things generally remain at rest without stimuli that propel them in a specific direction. Pure principal is an energetic force (or stimulus) that sets the holographic fabric and/or the quantum fluid into motion or form. Pure principal could then be characterized as the "Word" or "command" in which quantum fluid and the holographic matrix organize themselves into structural form.

Pure principal is the most immaculate force that originates consciousness and life itself. It is beyond love. It can be called God, yet it is not outside of us because we are a part of it. This pure principal holds a vision of the highest intent for itself and all aspects of its evolution. There can never be a limit to the boundless proportions of pure principle because it is in a state of constant transcendence.

In Genesis it says, "The spirit of God [Pure Principle] was stirring above the waters [quantum fluidity] … Let there be a firmament [Geometric Holographic Matrix] in the midst of the waters …" Could it be possible that Genesis was referring to the quantum fluidity (feminine principle) of the holographic matrix? In contrast, the geometric holographic matrix (the masculine principle) may then be an analogy for the firmament, which was created from the waters. From quantum fluidity then, came the holographic matrix or the blueprint of form. This blueprint is geometrical in nature.

Let us look at another analogy for the relationship between quantum fluidity (the feminine) and the geometric templates (the masculine). Quantum fluidity would be like the amniotic fluid inside a mother's womb. Inside the waters of the amniotic fluid we find the beginnings of another structure, a growing fetus that displays all the perfect principles of sacred geometry and the holographic matrix of creation itself. This is a perfect analogy to express the balance of spirit (fluid) and matter (form).

Our bodies are formed from the holographic matrix (the masculine principle of form). Our heart/emotional bodies serve as a quantum singularity that creates the medium of quantum fluidity at the moment of love (the feminine principle). By creating quantum fluid (or liquid light) at the moment we experience feelings of unconditional love, we create the spiral "glue" that embraces our physical reality in cohesive unity with the greater universe. This fluid unified field keeps our personal 3D reality flexible enough that we can infuse it with a pure intention. This is how creation occurs, whether it is a tiny, personal 3D creation or the creation of a universe in itself. We are creators.

Since we individuals are fashioned from the holographic matrix, and that holographic matrix spans the entire universe, then our being actually exists and extends across the entire span of this universe in every moment. We are the entire creation itself. Both the ocean of quantum fluidity and the vast geometric holographic matrix inside of us are essential elements that provide a way to keep us connected to the infinite and to the unbounded pure-principal spirit beings we truly are. What a drop of potential we are!

The twist is that as a 3D being, our holographic memory and experiential fabric is wrapped and folded to disguise us as limited physical beings. In our 3D limited state we are using magnetic memory as well as our 3D experiences to define who and what we are while we are in 3D form. This definition of ourselves is distorted because we haven't accessed the cohesive memory of the whole creation and an understanding of why we are here. As pure principal beings in the holographic hall of mirrors, we created a vast geometric-based garden as a gift to help us remember the magnitude, facets, and characteristics of boundless pure principal. We embody all three principles of creation when we stretch ourselves beyond our limited 3D concepts and definitions and act with pure intention and trust, spontaneously, and without fear.

6) Reclaiming our Heritage

Using models like sacred geometry to demonstrate the universal geometric holographic matrix eventually enables conscious beings to extend their awareness and understanding beyond the models themselves. At that point, we can begin to perceive the geometric holographic matrix that spans the entire creation and recognize our part in it. Once we perceive this holographic interconnection, it invites us to expand ourselves and perceive beyond our 3D paradigm. We can then actively participate more multidimensionally with this entire incredible creation. The universal geometric holographic matrix continues to prompt us to take more and more responsibility for being a co-creator. It compels us to extend our full potential into all of creation instead of just our local vicinity (3D reality).

In a "free enterprise" system, ownership and self-determination are the motivations for boundless creativity and diversity. The motivation to embrace the entire creation can come when we are able to perceive the truth of creation - that it is vast, mysterious and beautiful, and that we are a part of it. When we embrace that truth, our curiosity and spirit of exploration will beckon us and lift us from the chrysalis of our previous belief in limitation and help us to re-enter back into the cosmos of conscious creation.

We re-embrace the whole cosmos (and our heritage) when we realize that we are the co-creators and thus the owners of our destiny. Understanding our heritage and claiming our ownership helps lead us out of bondage. We learn the fundamental truths such as, "My body is not me, but mine." And "My history is not me, but mine." It is the beliefs that we are our history and we are our bodies, minds, and emotions that continue to bind us to our shell of limitation. But our heritage is to humbly re-assume our birthright and all its responsibilities and begin acting as mature beings with such vast potential.

Sacred geometry and the holographic universe are great gifts as well as profound tools. These tools allow us to shed our limiting belief systems and help lead us back to the stars and beyond. However, it all begins by being willing to re-enter creation by perceiving more of it without the filter of ego. This leads to feeling more of creation until we become one with it. Eventually, we re-integrate into creation by owning our birthright, taking full responsibility for our thoughts, emotions and actions, and ultimately seeing the universe as a complete reflection of ourselves.