Agate - (Strengthening)
Agate is used for general strengthening, grounding, stabilizing and centering of physical energies. It can be used for general healing, bringing vitality, balance and harmony. The cleansing effect is very beneficial on all organs of the body.
Amber - (Purification)
It will clean and purify the blood. Amber has warm solar energies and provides the goddess energy at its most stable. It is good for birth and rebirthing rooms and can be used to treat the kidneys, bladder and throat. Amber allows the body to heal itself, by absorbing and transmuting negative into positive. It is calming on the nervous system and lifts the spirits, bringing renewed hope and joy.
Amethyst - (Spiritual)
Amethyst is a transformational healer, which will bring spiritual growth and Divine understanding.
It purifies all the chakra centres and can be used anywhere on the body and on all levels of the aura, giving relief from addictions and addictive traits within the personality.
It works as an amplifier of healing and spiritual energies. When consciously directed it will break down and transform blocked or stuck energies.
Aquamarine - (Release)
Aquamarine gives freedom from the impressions and influences of others. Calming, soothing to the emotions, cooling and an excellent meditation stone, it helps you go with your own 'flow', finding your perfect karmic path with courage, fortitude and, most of all, compassion for yourself.
It will shield the aura from anger, hatred, envy and hostility.
Aventurine - (Comforter)
All the colours may be used in crystal therapy, but the green type is by far the most popular for its healing properties as a gentle comforter and supporter. Green aventurine has an earth nature like moss. Holding it is reminiscent of being by a stream as the water gently flows slowly over the mossy rocks.
It works with the devic kingdom of nature fairies and as such has been used as a shielding and gridding stone.
Celestite - (Angel)
Celestite brings inner peace, tranquillity, calm and focus to the highest realms of heavenly light. It balances the fluid functions of the body and thereby will release excess body fluid.
It has been used as an aura cleanser and activator to bring Angelic attunement.
It combats fear. It will help you unlock the secrets of the spoken word, giving voice to your truth. Psychologically, angelite counteracts harshness.
Citrine - (Joy)
Citrine is a lustrous gem of a stone which holds the key to a balanced solar plexus chakra.
So, if you choose to wear citrine, get ready for a life filled with wonder, delight, enthusiasm, expansion, originality, honesty, justice and self-confidence.
People just feel great around citrine energy, of that there is no doubt; it banishes negativity and deep gloom. It stimulates mental wisdom and is very penetrating; it will aid your total concentration.
Danburite - (Karmic Cleanser)
The brilliance of danburite carries a very high vibration of the supreme ray; it works to stimulate the third, fourth, fifth eye and crown chakras, plus the 8th to 14th chakras in the etheric body. Danburite can also activate the 'heart' chakra and integrate it with these higher energies. It will also promote lucid dreaming.
Emerald - (Intelligence)
Emerald embodies wisdom, intellect and clarity of understanding, through the rarest prize of all: an open and balanced heart chakra. That is emerald's gift to those who wear it or work with it in healing others.
Emerald loves harmony and abundance; because of this it is valued by healers, as it acts like a magnet, drawing life force to it. Emerald, because of its green ray, is a diagnostic crystal: it gets to the root of the problem.
Fluorite - (Auric Cleanser)
Fluorite is an excellent meditation stone. Fluorite will amplify your personal healing power by stimulating harmonious, focused brain activity.
Fluorite restores the energy structure of your body and aura. It can awaken healing and personal growth, even improve your creativity. It also brings inner peace, which prevents or can minimize the problems of senility.
Garnet - (Spirit Home)
It has always been a warrior's stone - set into shields and sword hilts to give protection in battle. It is known as a stone of health and life force. Garnets certainly contain the energy of strength, courage, endurance, perseverance, tenacity, durability, forbearance, vigour, fortitude, stamina and self-mastery. These are the signs of a balanced base or root chakra. They keep you grounded, solidly anchored to the earth, bringing a feeling of vigorous good health and boundless vitality.
Hematite - (Grounding)
Hematite is good for calming the nerves and soothing the emotions. It has a strong grounding quality.
The spiritual tranquillity associated with hematite brings about a fluid state of consciousness.
It calms the hormones. Hematite is good for the functioning of the kidneys, beneficial in use on fluid flows of the body. It will restore equilibrium and stability, so it is good for headaches, dizziness and the feelings of being spaced out.
Jasper - (Stabilising)
Red jasper is good for clearing blocks in the liver and bile ducts. It energises the solar plexus, sacral and root chakras. It is a good, slow, steady healing stone.
The energy is also very protective and may be used in stressful situations when it is important to retain one's own boundaries or when you want to have no outside influence interfering with your energy. This is why it has been revered by 'Shamans' for centuries; they used it for journeying to other realms.
Lapis Lazuli - (Spirit of Truth)
Lapis lazuli will heal an unbalanced throat chakra. Lapis teaches you the power of the spoken word.
Because the blue ray governs the throat, infections in this area are psychologically related to 'talking inwards', not speaking out. Lapis gives relief from pain, both physical and psychological, and combats cruelty and brutality. It contains a higher order of intelligence and wisdom, 'intellectual integrity'.
Malachite - (Greenman)
Malachite can balance and bring harmony to the heart chakra. It brings the ability to experience wholeness and love.
It is a gateway, a bridge linking into the ancient Celtic 'Greenman' energies of death, growth and renewal. In the Middle Ages malachite was used to alleviate 'birth' pains.
Malachite is very restorative and tunes you in to the plant kingdom and helps you understand environmental issues, giving you a social conscience.
Moldavite - (Transformational)
Basically, moldavite has no structure; this means it can take you beyond your self-limiting belief system into uncharted realms of infinite possibilities.
An aversion to moldavite or the colour green often indicates that we do not feel at ease with our emotions. It shows a deep fear of opening our heart chakra fully to unlimited unconditional love. The 'Grail Stone' is another name for moldavite.
Moonstone - (Mysterious)
As the talisman of the Goddess, moonstone is the female power stone. Due to its close association with lunar energies it facilitates the wearer's deep understanding and celebration of the cycles of life, of the ebb and flow of birth, death and regeneration - the tides of life. Moonstone gives personal resilience and calms the mind. It is nurturing to the soul and heals the subtle energy system, by comforting and aiding serene contemplation.
Obsidian - (Warrior of Truth)
Obsidian draws the quality of our Divine essence into our physical body; this purges the negativity and activates 'the Divine one within'. Obsidian will also shield us from all unkind energies which seek to use our energy and manipulate our energy field for their own benefit.
It also dissolves all negative energy within our environment. It is an excellent grounding stone for when we feel spaced out or disorientated from reality.
Pyrite - (Fire)
Pyrite has a very strong powerful male yang energy that will induce intellectual superiority when worn or carried. It is ideal for students and those who wish to improve their academic prowess and memory.
It will swiftly dispel deep gloom, lift despondency, despair and the drudge mentality. It is also ideal when you feel a severe lack of energy. Pyrite is a very protective stone and will keep your energy field clear of unwanted outside influences.
Quartz - (Master Healer)
Clear quartz is the 'Master Healer' or 'cure all' because it contains the full spectrum of the visible 'white' light (iridescent rainbow cosmic light) and as such it will work on every level of our being, physical, emotional, mental, astral, spiritual, etheric etc.
It is acknowledged as the only 'programmable' crystal. It is also used for amplifying one's concentrated attention and intent.
Rhodonite - (Place of the Soul)
Rhodonite's rose pink has healing beauty within its vibration. It will support you when you feel betrayed, let down or abandoned, or unloved. It teaches forgiveness and can help you to fulfill your true emotional potential.
It will help you develop mature emotional strength and universal love and forgiveness, allowing your heart to become a nurturing place for your soul. This is the life lesson of the heart chakra, forgiveness and compassion for yourself and others.
Rose Quartz - (Love)
Rose quartz transmits a soft love energy, which is soothing and calming to the emotions.
The vibration or resonance signature of rose quartz is good if a person has been assaulted in any way. Rose quartz can fully balance the emotional body.
The rose quartz ray works dynamically on the heart chakra, gently cleansing and then transmuting all stored putrefied negative issues of self- worth, self-confidence and self-acceptance.
Smoky Quartz - (Celtic Warrior)
Smoky quartz is a popular variety of quartz. Smoky quartz is the Celtic Warrior; it was carried into battle as late as the first world war.
It teaches you the right use of power and keeps you 'grounded' in fearful situations.
It stops destructive power that is used out of selfishness, greed, manipulation, evil or weakness. It is very protective. It stops depression and restriction.
Tourmaline - (Healing)
Green Tourmaline: Is deeply nurturing: it quiets
the mind and will bring emotional wisdom and balance. It dispels fears, calms nerves, aids sleep; regenerates the heart, thymus and immune system.
Green tourmaline is an excellent diagnostic tool - its energy really gets to the root of a problem.
(put your mouse over the image to the left of the crystal for more info)
Agate |
Amber |
Amethyst |
Aquamarine |
Aventurine |
Celestite |
Citrine |
Danburite |
Emerald |
Flourite |
Garnet |
Hematite |
Jasper |
Lapis |
Malachite |
Moldavite |
Moonstone |
Obsidian |
Pyrite |
Quartz |
Rhodonite |
Rose Quartz |
Smokey Quartz |
Tourmaline |